Across the nation, kids look forward to a visit from the Tooth Fairy. For parents, it’s exciting to anticipate the permanent teeth that will soon replace those that fall out. Unfortunately, sometimes families are in for a startling surprise when they wait and wait, only to have the gap remain and no permanent teeth show up! The missing tooth can happen because teeth are too crowded, the new tooth is headed in the wrong direction and can’t emerge, or the tooth is simply not there!
If you are a parent that discovered your child is missing a tooth, we know you have questions about what you should do. Listed below are the three best options for kids who are missing permanent teeth.
1. Keep The Baby Tooth. Sometimes missing permanent teeth are discovered before the baby tooth comes out, giving parents some warning about what’s in the future. Depending on your child’s bite and positioning of the other teeth, the best option might be to simply keep the baby tooth in place. While the tooth will inevitably fall out eventually, it can help to simply keep it in place for as long as possible. Once the tooth falls out on its own, parents can then move forward with other options. Keeping the baby tooth can give parents the time necessary to save up for implants or learn other opinions about how to move forward.
2. Implants and Bridges. In our time of modern medicine and technological advances, it’s now possible to have flawless dental implants that look just like real teeth. If your child’s baby tooth has already fallen out or needs to be removed due to crowding or decay, an implant works to screw a replacement tooth in place, giving them the chance to experience an almost natural bite. If implants don’t fit your child’s lifestyle or your budget, a dental bridge can provide a replacement tooth by anchoring to the nearby teeth.
3. Closing the Gap. Some children have mouths that simply aren’t big enough to hold all their teeth. In situations like this, a missing permanent tooth may actually be a blessing rather than a problem! Your orthodontist may choose to simply close the gap where the tooth should be by pulling the other teeth closer. The result should be a flawless bite and smile, where you can’t even tell that a tooth is missing. Since crowding typically requires the removal of some teeth, having them naturally gone cuts out some steps to get a beautiful smile.
Choosing the Best Option
As parents, we all just want what is best and healthiest for our children. If your child is missing a tooth, there are several options to help them regain a beautiful smile. By working with RJ Orthodontics, you can discover which method is best for your child and start on the journey to correct their missing tooth.
If your child is experiencing dental issues such as missing teeth, feel free to contact our Austin Orthodontic practice today.